OLR Confirmation

When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power to testify about me with great effect, to the people in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, about my death and resurrection. (Acts 1:8)

What is Confirmation?

In Confirmation, God continues the work He began at Baptism as we are filled even more with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is a time to welcome the Holy Spirit to work in us more fully and an opportunity for us to put our personal “Amen,” our emphatic “Yes,” to what was begun at Baptism. The Spirit becomes the motivation for our attitudes and actions. Just as a person with a self-centered attitude acts out of selfishness, so confirmed Catholics with a loving spirit act out of God’s Spirit. We sometimes say they are "gifted." A gift of the Spirit is a charism, a spiritual quality given by God to serve and build the body of Christ.