Year 2
Letter to the Bishop
Return in person with envelope and student’s name to the Religious Ed office 9am-3pm OR submit online.
Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church
5210 E. Los Coyotes Diagonal
Long Beach, CA 90815
Your Excellency,
1: Introduce yourself. Include that you are from Our Lady of Refuge Parish and you wish to be confirmed. Say something about your family, your background, the name of the school you attend and your year in school, your activities, hobbies and/or interests. Introduce yourself! End paragraph with: I am writing to request from you the Sacrament of Confirmation when you visit Our Lady of Refuge.
2 - Explain why you want to be confirmed. Provide enough detail to fill a paragraph. Be specific so the bishop can see that you truly want to be confirmed.
3 - Explain what you have been doing to prepare for confirmation, such as attending a retreat, helping in the community or doing other volunteer work for the church, service hours.
4 - Identify the person whom you have chosen to be your confirmation sponsor. Explain why they are a good role model for you as a Catholic.
5 - Tell the bishop your confirmation name and detail the reasons why you feel close to that particular saint whose name you selected.
6 - Explain how you will contribute to the parish in the future. Be specific and avoid mentioning things every Catholic should do, going to church on Sundays. Instead, discuss how you plan to volunteer or enrich the lives of others in the church. (ie. Lector, Usher, Catechist, Eucharistic Minister, Choir, Youth Ministry, Band, etc…)
Typed Name
Saint & Service Project
Objective: Research a saint you connect with based on their many attributes. Additionally, research a service opportunity in your area (or surrounding area) that could be led by your saint to bring awareness of the opportunity by inviting your peers.
Deliverable: PowerPoint, Google Slides, Tri-Fold Poster board, etc…
Due: May 6, 2025 - Presentation
Bio: Saint’s Name? When/where were they born? Where did they live? Why did you choose them?
Patronage: Patron Saint of what? How did they become a saint? What miracles occurred in their life (at least 3 life milestones)
Social Media post: What would their social media look like today?
Ex. IG story (3 slides), IG post (picture + caption), Twitter/X (thread on relative topic happening now), BeReal, TikTok (What side of TikTok are they on?)
Presentation Day: We will present during class to your Year 2 peers
Dress in your saint’s favorite color / color they wore the most / color that represents them
Presentation should be approx. 3-5min.
Due: May 6, 2024
Intro/Beginning: Lead with short/prayer or scripture from the POV of your saint & Introduce your saint + Patronage
Service Event: What is the event? When/where is it? Why is this event something your saint would participate in?
Invite: Include information on how to sign up (ie. QR code, contact info, etc…)